Chikoo (Sapota / Sapodilla) Milk Shake - Andhra Telugu Recipes

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Recipe Text

Chikkoo Shake with Soya Milk


  • Sapodilla – 3

  • Artificial Sweetener – 6 Measures

  • Soya Milk – 300ml

Chikkoo Shake with Milk


  • Sapodilla – 3

  • Sugar – 6tsps

  • Milk – 300 ml

Chikkoo Shake with Soya Milk


  • Sapodilla – 3

  • Artificial Sweetener – 6 Measures

  • Soya Milk – 300ml

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Chill the soya milk in a refrigerator. Wash the sapodilla and break them. Remove the seeds and with fingers break them into small pieces. Do not remove the skins of sapodillas.

Fix an acrylic juicer jar to the processor and add the sapodilla pieces, artificial sweetener and chilled milk. Run the processor till everything is blended well. Store this shake in refrigerator and serve chilled.

Chikkoo Shake with Milk


  • Sapodilla – 3

  • Sugar – 6tsps

  • Milk – 300 ml


Chill the milk in a refrigerator. Wash the sapodilla and break them. Remove the seeds and with fingers break them into small pieces. Do not remove the skins of sapodillas.

Fix an acrylic juicer jar to the processor and add the sapodilla pieces, sugar and chilled milk. Run the processor till everything is blended well. Store the milk shake in refrigerator and serve chilled.

Points to Remember:

Soya contains lot of proteins. For persons who have age above 35, it is advisable to reduce the intake of milk as it takes long time to digest. It doesn’t mean that they stop taking milk completely. Instead they can have milk products like paneer and curd which are lighter on stomach. It is advisable to use soya milk which has more proteins and is light on stomach. As children play milk gets easily digested whereas for adults after an age it is difficult to digest milk. So soya milk is a better option.

Do not remove the skin of sapodillas - It tastes equally good with lots of fiber. It helps to clear the bowels naturally for children and aged without pain.

On Storage Chikkoo shake becomes thicker, dilute it as per requirement through adding milk or soya milk and compensating sugar.

Serve the chikkoo shake chilled.

Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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